Event Format and Themes


The event’s primary aim is to share Microsoft knowledge and experience with colleagues across the IT Welsh HE sector. This primary aim has carved the programme into the following shape:

  • Site report from each University
  • A session chair and speaker from each University
  • Microsoft roadmap, technology demonstration
  • HE speaker: 30-minute presentation from each university which includes a Q&A
  • The breaks will be an opportunity to meet the sponsors, network and gain the fastest lap on Oculus Rift racing game
  • Before the conference dinner at Medrus there will be an opportunity to try to gain an even faster lap time, meet the sponsors and after dinner we will retire to the bar for a quiz night



The overriding theme is to discover how we can share our Microsoft experiences to provide an even better service for our users. To encourage this sharing the following themes have been arranged which have guided the programme:

  • Microsoft’s on Microsoft
  • Collaboration
  • Security 
  • AI
  • Business Applications


Session Structure

The structure and timing of the conferences central topic sessions is going to be important, as we are looking to cover a lot of ground in a very short space of time. We need to ensure we make the most of the time delegates, sponsors and partners have given to attend.

Generally speaking, the format and structure of the individual 30 minute topic sessions are down to the individual leading the session. We strongly encourage you to make your session engaging, fun and entertaining. But we would ask that you follow a few key principals.

  • Sessions must capitalise on the presence of delegates. You are not expected to talk at them for 30 minutes – Get them engaged!
  • The thirty minutes will include at least ten minutes of Q&A which hopefully will trigger discussion
  • Will the output of the session benefit Welsh Higher Education in their use of Microsoft Technologies?
  • Be conscious of time – we have to stop you after 30 minutes to avoid taking time from the next slot (which will be under the same constraints as you)

Although the structure is up to the Topic Session lead, if you are looking for a template, this is one that could be applied, as follows:


Section 1: Present: 15 minutes maximum

  • Introduce yourself and your inst., the technology, what it is, and what it does.
  • Consider that not all present may be familiar with the technology
  • You may talk around what the technology does at your university, but avoid this being a soapbox for simply reporting good-practice
  • Outline the key issue/problem/consideration/development/whatever that the groups need to work on, for how long, and what’s expected, in terms of feedback
  • Be clear about any timings the groups have.

Section 2: Q&A: 10 - 15 minutes (depending on complexity of feedback)

The aim of the Workingwith conference is to work together and learn from each other. In order to help achieve this goal, each session must include a Q&A session.